5 Ways to Diversify Your Gym Business

1. Nutritional Services

Diet and fitness go hand-in-hand, which is why introducing nutritional services can be a great way to attract more patrons and outperform your competitors. Many people who visit the gym regularly have a clear goal in mind, such as losing weight or increasing strength. The right diet is critical to success for most gym-goers, so capitalise on this by introducing nutritional services alongside your existing business structure.

Bespoke diet plans, customised to suit individual needs, will give customers the opportunity to fast-track their progress and achieve their goals. Not only can you increase your company’s revenue, but you can also enhance customer satisfaction and take genuine pleasure in helping members to realise their fitness aspirations.

2. Beauty Treatments

Offering beauty treatments can be a savvy way to differentiate your gym from nearby competitors. Transitioning from solely a fitness environment to a health, beauty and fitness centre gives you the opportunity to expand your services, serve different markets and increase your revenue in the process.

Hiring in-house technicians and consultants can be an effective way to introduce this niche into your existing business model, but there are other options available. You could choose to rent space to a treatment provider, for example, and significantly reduce the costs and resources required to diversify your business.

3. Healthy Food and Drinks

As highlighted above, diet is an important factor in any fitness regime, which is why regular gym-goers are typically keen to ‘eat right’. Due to this, making healthy food and drinks available on site is a fantastic way to generate higher revenues.While launching a café or bar requires significant investment, permanent staffing and considerable maintenance, installing Nutrivend machines is low cost, simple and straightforward. Whether you choose to maintain your vending machines in-house or rely on our experienced staff to fill and maintaining your machines, making healthy food and drinks available in this way is a budget-friendly way to take your business to the next level.

4. Virtual Fitness Sessions

Due to the recent closures enforced by COVID-19 lockdowns, many gyms switched from offering face-to-face training sessions to virtual fitness classes. However, this isn’t something you need to abandon simply because customers can visit your premises once more. In fact, increasing the number of virtual services offered will enable you to tap into the on-going demand for online fitness classes.

Both individual and group training sessions can be conducted virtually, using live streams or pre-recorded footage. While on-site classes are limited to a certain number of participants due to capacity restrictions, there is no limit to how many customers you can enrol in virtual fitness sessions.

5. Branded Gym Wear

Becoming a clothing or apparel retailer can be an innovative way to generate more revenue, but it’s also an exciting way to build your brand. When customers wear your gym gear out and about, for example, they’re effectively increasing brand awareness for your business, which can have a positive impact on engagement and customer acquisition.

With financial benefits to be gained, both from sales and increased brand awareness, designing your own gym wear can be a creative and original way to differentiate your business from your nearest competitors.

Remember – digital marketing can be a low-cost way to reach your target audience and increase sales when you introduce a retail stream into your existing operations.

How to Expand Your Gym Business

Many people assume that opening more sites is the only way to expand a gym business, but this isn’t the case. By researching the market and using data analytics to understand your target audience, you can find viable growth strategies that don’t require large investments or major financial commitments.

With options to suit businesses of all sizes, there is always a way to diversify your gym business and increase your revenue. From offering niche services to providing a greater range of fitness options, the right expansion strategy can transform your brand and give you the opportunity to scale your business at a rapid pace.

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