Corner the Convenience Market in Sports Nutrition

Worth more than £41 billion in the UK alone, the convenience market presents a lucrative opportunity to increase your revenue. By responding to the increasing demand for easy-to-access products, you can generate higher turnover with minimal investment. This equates to a larger profit margin and, ultimately, enhanced business growth.

Nutrivend machines are an ideal way to capitalise on the convenience sector. Offering both accessibility and expediency, a Nutrivend machine captures the essence of the convenience market and enables any business, venue or location to gain a share of the market.

However, Nutrivend doesn’t simply offer convenience. The range of products available via Nutrivend machines also represents a growing industry. The health and wellness sector has undergone significant growth in recent years and this trend is set to continue. Already worth an estimated £2.8 trillion worldwide, businesses can join a growing sector by incorporating Nutrivend machines into their future plans.

If you’re eager to increase your revenue and satisfy customer demand, take a look at these core reasons why Nutrivend machines work so well in today’s society:

1. 24-Hour Availability

No matter what times your premises, store or venue are open, a Nutrivend machine will ensure product availability. In locations like apartment complexes or student halls of residence, the 24-hour availability of snack foods serves the market. Furthermore, when other food retailers and services are closed, a Nutrivend machine offers a fast way to access healthy food. As consumers are increasingly choosing well-balanced food products over traditional fast food, the 24-hour availability of sports nutrition products and health conscious products ensures you can satisfy the growing demand.

2. Self-Service

When a customer purchases a product from a Nutrivend machine, no staff intervention is required. In fact, the entire transaction can be carried out in seconds, without any assistance from a member of your workforce. As transactions are entirely automated and made on a self-service basis, you won’t need staff on hand to provide assistance. For businesses, this offers an impressive opportunity to boost profitability. While salaries and wages are typically one of the costliest expenditures for businesses, the ability to generate revenue without requiring any staff presence is advantageous. While a Nutrivend machine can enable you to substantially enhance your turnover, you won’t see an increase in your current staff expenditure. This means that a greater percentage of your turnover equates to profit and can be used to remunerate business owners, directors and shareholders or be reinvested back into the business.

3. Safe and Secure

Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are being forced to introduce new processes and protocols. One of the most important factors in controlling the spread of coronavirus is social distancing. This mandates that people should remain at least 2 metres apart from anyone who doesn’t reside in the same household. Of course, this presents a difficult challenge for businesses that rely on footfall, such as gyms and retail units.

Fortunately, Nutrivend machines are the perfect option if you want to maintain your cash flow while adhering to the relevant COVID-19 regulations. As customers can process their own transactions, there needn’t be any face-to-face interaction with staff when making a purchase.

Many people are understandably concerned about the risks of contracting or transmitting the virus, which means the number of people shopping in traditional offline environments has dipped. By providing these consumers with a safe way to access the products they love, you’re filling a gap in the market and providing an important service. In addition to this, Nutrivend machines can be easily cleaned and sanitised, which means they’re easy to incorporate in terms of new cleaning and hygiene policies.

Increase Revenue with Nutrivend Today

The term ‘convenience food’ typically conjures up images of unappetising and unhealthy food that’s designed to be easily transported and eaten. However, today’s buyers are unwilling to compromise when it comes to their health. The increased focus on health and wellness means that millions of people are on the lookout for nutritious, satisfying snack foods that don’t require preparation and Nutrivend machines offer just that.

By combining convenience with healthy, sports nutrition, Nutrivend caters to more than one market and enables you to reap the benefits. With fully managed and self-fill options, you can select a strategy that works best for your business and watch your revenue increase. You can even opt for a fully branded machine and use your corporate livery to create a customised Nutrivend machine for your locations.

To find out more, talk to our team today on 01443 719 411.

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