Sport Nutrition Vending Taps into the Convenience Mindset

When we first got involved in sport nutrition vending some five years ago, the idea of stocking vending machines with the kinds of healthy foods sport-minded individuals would consume was virtually unheard of. Vending machines were all about chocolates, snack foods, sweet beverages, and other ‘sinful’ foods we all know we should not eat. We wondered whether what we were hoping to do would actually work.

Five years later, our company is doing better than ever. We serve our customers with high-quality food products, the latest vending technology, and value that only comes from being experts in the vending business. By the way, we had already been involved in vending for a decade before jumping into sport nutrition.

How have we made it work? By focusing on what has been the core of vending since its inception: convenience. The whole idea behind vending placement is to put both machines and product in convenient locations where customers can get what they want quickly and easily. If you make it convenient, people will purchase from your vending machine rather than bring their own products or take a run to the shops after they leave your facility.

Healthy-Minded People Still Love Convenience

Five years ago, we realised that there were not a lot of players in the vending industry paying attention to the needs of healthy-minded individuals with a leaning toward sport and nutrition. For some inexplicable reason, the mindset was that these kinds of consumers were not all that interested in convenience. We didn’t believe it then; we do not believe it now. In fact, we know that health- and nutrition-minded people love convenience just as much as anyone else.

The only thing that makes health- and nutrition-minded people different in the vending industry is the kinds of products they purchase. They still want the same convenience and availability the vending industry has provided in other areas.

Sport Nutrition Vending, A Strong and Growing Market

If you’re not yet convinced of the power of sport nutrition vending, consider one of the features of last year’s Hi Europe & Ni exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany. Presenters offered a sport nutrition presentation that detailed how this emerging industry is having an effect on everything from vending to healthcare.

Presenters made a point of explaining how interest in sports and physical activity is playing a bigger role in the lives of consumers. They are engaging in more physical activity and using nutrition as a way to prepare their bodies so as to gain maximum benefit from their chosen exercise. Presenters also talked about some of the ingredients consumers are looking for in their energy drinks and nutrition bars.

If sport nutrition is important enough to address at major nutrition expos, there must be sufficient evidence to prove that sport nutrition is a strong and growing market. It will only get stronger if we do not lose sight of convenience. That’s why we do what we do at Nutrivend.


FoodBev Media –

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